Introducing our enhanced Email Forecast settings, designed to give you more control over your email forecast list. With our latest update, you have the capability to seamlessly view and adjust the sites included in your email forecast. The process of managing your list is now more streamlined than ever, allowing for easy additions and deletions of sites.
  • View Enabled Sites
    : Gain a clear overview of all the sites active for your email forecasts. This update provides a straightforward way to monitor your list quickly.
  • Add Sites
    : The process of including new sites to your forecast list is now straightforward, allowing you to expand your forecasting with just a few clicks.
  • Remove Sites
    : Simplify the way you curate your list by removing any unwanted sites with ease, ensuring your forecast list always represents your current interests.
Accessing the Manage Email Forecast Settings
To leverage the new management capabilities, please follow these steps:
  1. Head to the Weather Forecast Summary page.
  2. At the top right, click on the settings option.
  3. Scroll down to find the "Available Sites" and "Sites in Email Forecast List" sections for management.
Feedback Welcome
Your feedback drives our innovation. Should you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding the new "Manage Email Forecast" feature, don't hesitate to reach out.